What About Hair and Makeup for a Headshot?

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Unless a hair/makeup artist has already been scheduled, come to the shoot with hair and makeup ready.  Feel free to bring a hairbrush, hair spray or gel, in case a quick touch-up is necessary once you arrive for the shoot. Many professional studios will have hair products for you to use, but bring your own combs and brushes!

Additionally, shine can be an issue in headshots, so best be prepared. Independent of the outside temperature, you’d want to bring a small towel to dab away any perspiration or use paper towels that may be available at the venue or in the studio's restroom. Most experienced headshot photographers will have special oil-absorbing pads or gels that can be applied. Even when it is cold outside, it can still get pretty warm under the photo lights! Also, avoid applying shiny lipsticks or lip glosses as they can make for odd reflections in your photos.

Men, if your shoot is scheduled later in the day, do your best to avoid 5 o’clock shadows as they will often be visible in the images.  And, If you are going to get a haircut, get it a few days before the shoot. This way, the cut will grow in a little and you will have some time to get used to how your hair looks and feels.

While the studio will (or should) have plenty of mirrors, it is the photographer’s job to be your ‘live’ mirror and alert you to anything that needs to be addressed. While many things can be handled in post-production (i.e. retouching), it is always best to get it as great as possible at the time of the shoot - we call it ‘in-camera’.

For a more in-depth look at what it takes to prepare for the perfect headshot, request my free eBook ‘Guide to the Perfect Headshot’.

Patrick Infante